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Harvard HealthLab Brazil is an exciting co-created partnership between Harvard HealthLab (H2L) and Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas – UDC Brasil (UDC). 


In collaboration with H2L, UDC has incorporated creativity and entrepreneurship curriculum into the academic schedule for more than 2,400 students at the secondary and post-secondary levels in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. 


Student teams solve real-world problems posed by the region’s agricultural, health, and environmental spheres. They work with UDC professors and H2L mentors to develop actionable and impactful solutions aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


UDC selects teams to present ideas to H2L for admission into a 10-team H2L Brazil cohort that follows an accelerator model similar to our own at Harvard. The student teams selected to join are provided with tools and resources to advance their ventures. They are matched with a student team within our campus H2L cohort to link our innovation ecosystems and build an H2L global alumni base of young social entrepreneurs.

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