Lumas Helaire, Founding Advisor
Dr. Lumas Helaire joined the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in July of 2021. He assists the dean in the identification, development, and promotion of health equity collaborative initiatives within and beyond the University. Formerly he served as Senior Associate Director, overseeing operations and programs, for the Office of Academic and Multicultural Initiatives at the University of Michigan. He was the DEI lead for the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Lumas chaired the university’s Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium planning committee. Outside of his university role, he serves on the Board of the Center for Community Health Education and Research Services, Inc. (CCHERS), a community-based organization in Boston that promotes the development of “academic community health centers.” Lumas holds a B.A. in Psychology with honors from Morehouse College, a M.S. in Developmental Psychology, and Ph.D. in Education and Psychology from the University of Michigan.